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Month 12!

So I’m sure you’re all wondering.. now that you’re home, what’s next?

I had that same question the last few months and, in Thailand, the Lord let me in on the secret.

Adventures in Missions(AIM), the organization that runs the World Race, has many opportunities and one stuck out to me in particular: CGA or Center for Global Action.

I’d heard about it and met people involved in it at training camp and launch, a few people in particular that helped and encouraged me to go on the Race when I was doubting myself. A couple sQuadmates had had mentioned it me as something they could see me pursuing so I decided I should check it out. I sent in an inquiry email and they soon got back me asking for a team phone number so they could call me.

I received the call on a beautiful evening in Mae Sot and sat out on our balcony as I asked what CGA was all about. Sure enough, it was exactly what I was looking for: discipleship with a mentor, an apprenticeship with AIM, classes ranging from spiritual to educational courses, and community living.  A program geared to help you find your calling and give you the tools to acheive it. 
I was hooked. But there’s one catch:

I had to start in January or wait until June. As I was talking to Andi, the CGA representative, she asked me of I would like to interview right away for January or pray about it and get back to her. As I sat on the balcony and stared at the beautiful sky in front of me, my headt started racing thinking about leaving in January. So I asked Jesus what he wanted me to do. Was this it? Should I go home for a while or go right away? 

And in a split second, it started down pouring, the hardest it had since we got to Thailand. 
And I knew. He’s used rain to give me signs in the past, and I knew he was telling me to go in January. 
So I told Andi that Jesus was telling me to go in January.  She said she had time to interview, so I did. It felt like interviewing for the Race again,  hahaha. But so much easier… I didn’t feel like I was inadequate or had to say the right thing. I knew I was going down the right path.

And a few days later, I received another email from CGA….

So starting in January…. I will be moving to Gainesville, GA for 8 months to attend CGA! 

I’m so excited for this next season and I can’t wait to see all that the Lord has for me… but I can’t do it without you! In order to go to CGA, I have to fundraise $7,450, $2000 of which I need before I leave in January! 
This covers living expenses at AIM and a food stipend. It is all through AIM so you can continue to support through my blog by clicking the support tab on the left handside of this page!!

Thank you all again for your continued support through prayer and donations!

Love you all and God bless!!!!!