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Good Grief: Remembering My Nana

I’ve never really understood the expression of ‘good grief’.   According to Merriam-Webster, it is defined as: an expression used to express surprise or annoyance <“He’s burned the toast.” “Good grief! Can’t he do anything right?”> But separately,  good is…

2 Years Ago

Two years ago, I was in the second semester of my 4th year at Sonoma State University. I was in the middle of stage managing one of my favorite dance productions I’ve ever done and in one of the hardest…

The Irony of My Brokenness

This week has been a whirlwind. On Wednesday morning, I incurred the most ironic injury of my life. Let me just break down how ironic this injury is: I tripped over a backpack, dove into the ground, breaking my arm,…

The Missing Link

Living in an environment surrounded by like-minded people is such a blessing.  Daily, I reminded of how good God is more ways than I could imagine. I hear of his faithfulness, his love, his truth, and more about Him than…

I’m Going Barefoot

When a group of people come together, they come together with a purpose.  Something to stand up for, defend, and refuse to back down from.  As a community, our group of apprentices decided to define what we stood for, what…

Rest, Refresh, Rejuvenate

It’s funny sometimes how we as humans feel we need to constantly be doing something.  We have it in our minds that doing nothing is unproductive and lazy.  We are constantly told we need to be working for something.  …


For some crazy reason, when I found out I was going to CGA, I knew I was supposed to drive across the country to Georgia from San Francisco.  I could have flown, but something in my gut told me that…